

Faculty :  MFL                                                                
Level: A level

Examination Board  / website : Edexcel

Assessment Details :

Paper 1: Listening, reading and translation – 2 hours, 80 marks and 40% of the A-level

Paper 2: Written response to works and translation – 2 hours and 40 minutes, 120 marks, 30% of the A-level

Practical Examinations (Unit titles, duration, % weighting, dates):

Paper 3: Speaking – 21-23 minutes including 5 minutes’ formal preparation time, 72 marks, 30% of the A-level.

The speaking exams are usually conducted in May but the exam board publishes the possible dates every year.

Coursework (Unit titles, duration, % weighting, submission dates): n/a

Course Outline:

Papers 1 and 3 will be based on content from the following four themes. The four themes address a range of social issues and trends, as well as aspects of the political and artistic culture of Germany and German-speaking countries. Themes 1, 3, and 4 focus on aspects of society or history of Germany only. Theme 2 requires students to broaden their knowledge across any German-speaking country/countries and/or community/communities. 

Theme 1: Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Deutschland

Theme 1 is set in the context of Germany only. This theme covers social issues and trends.

• Natur und Umwelt

Umweltbewusstsein; Recycling; erneuerbare Energie; nachhaltig leben.

• Bildung

Bildungswesen und die Situation von Studenten; Sitzenbleiben, Berufsausbildung.

• Die Welt der Arbeit

Das Arbeitsleben in Deutschland und die Arbeitsmoral; deutsche Geschäfte und Industrien.

Theme 2: Politische und künstlerische Kultur im deutschen Sprachraum

Theme 2 is set in the context of German-speaking countries and communities This theme covers artistic culture (through music and festivals and traditions) and political and artistic culture (through media).

• Musik 

Wandel und Trends; Einfluss der Musik auf die populäre Kultur.

• Die Medien 

Fernsehen, Digital-, Print- und Onlinemedien; Einfluss auf Gesellschaft und Politik.

• Die Rolle von Festen und Traditionen

Feste, Feiern, Sitten, Traditionen.

Theme 3: Immigration und die deutsche multikulturelle Gesellschaft

Theme 3 is set in the context of Germany only. This theme covers social issues and trends.

• Die positive Auswirkung von Immigration

Beitrag der Immigranten zur Wirtschaft und Kultur.

• Die Herausforderungen von Immigration und Integration

Maßnahmen von Gemeinden und örtlichen Gemeinschaften; Ausgrenzung und Entfremdung aus der Sicht von Immigranten.

• Die staatliche und soziale Reaktion zur Immigration

Rechtsextremismus; politische Annäherung an Gastarbeiter, Immigranten und Asylbewerber; die öffentliche Meinung.

Skills / Aptitudes required to be successful in this course :
Organisation, secure knowledge of GCSE grammar and tenses, resilience, independence, good standard of writte German, good memory, interest in German speaking culture, willingness to give opinions, debate and share ideas.

Complementary Subjects:

Any other subject! Humanities, film/media studies, drama, law, English literature, other languages etc.

Pathways – Careers:

Again, languages are very helpful in any career as they enable you to communicate with a broader range of people. Lots of universities offer combined degrees or the opportunity to study abroad/do a sandwich year and languages will help you stand out as a good candidate for this kind of course.

Course Leader

Miss Moitra - Head of German
