Our School

In Year Admissions

If you are applying for a place for your child/ren outside of the Year 7 transition process, this is called an in-year admission.

You cannot apply directly to Hendon School but will need to apply to Barnet Council here or call on 020 8359 2000. The Council will be aware of any places available at the school. If there are no places, you will be offered the opportunity to be added to the waiting list for the relevant year group(s). If a student leaves and you are next on the waiting list you will be offered the place, there is no guarantee though that a place will become available in the school.

Barnet Council will assess each application and then offer you a place via letter. If you wish to accept the place you must sign the letter and return it to Barnet Council. This information will be passed on to the school. Once we have received this information, our Admissions team will contact you to make an appointment with the relevant member of the pastoral team. She will also clarify what documents you will need to bring to the meeting. At this meeting you will complete the school's documentation and have an opportunity to ask questions. We will also offer you a tour of the school and agree a start date. 

Students transferring through in-year admissions will be given a number of peer supporters to assist them. Their form tutor and Head of Year will also monitor their progress and pastoral needs.